This page will contain videos and documents related to training Global PARITY collaborators. For a link to all training-related documents, click here.

Training Documents

Using the Global PARITY website

How to access REDCap from a computer

How to access REDCap from a mobile device or phone

Research and Ethics Training Modules

These free online clinical research and ethics modules are recommended for investigators and data collectors without formal research and ethics training. Available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


Case report forms

What case report form (CRF) do I complete on the day of presentation to the emergency room/admission to the hospital? Complete the Initial Intake Survey AND the Daily Assessment Survey for Day 0.

What CRF do I complete on hospital days 1-7? Complete the Daily Assessment Survey for each hospital day. This survey is meant to assess resource utilization.

What CRF do I complete on hospital days 8, 9, 10...? There is no daily CRF after 7 days. If the child is discharged or dies, please complete the Discharge/Death Survey.

When do I complete the Discharge/Death Survey? Complete the Discharge/Death Survey for whichever day the child experienced the final outcome (discharge, death), regardless of when the outcome occurred (e.g., on Day 0, Day 3, Day 10, or Day 100).

If a child is discharged or dies on Day 3, which CRF(s) do I complete? Please complete both the Daily Assessment Survey and the Discharge/Death Survey.

If a child is discharged from the Emergency Room and is not admitted to the hospital, which CRF(s) do I complete? Complete the Initial Intake Survey AND the Daily Assessment Survey for Day 0..

If a child is directly admitted to the ward or ICU and is not evaluated in the Emergency Room, which CRF(s) do I complete? Complete the Initial Intake Survey AND the Daily Assessment Survey for Day 0.

If a child dies in the Emergency Room, which CRF(s) do I complete? Please complete the Initial Intake Survey.

Which data sources can I use to complete the CRFs? You can only use data already collected in the medical record. The medical record can be paper-based, electronic, or a hybrid system. Within the medical record, you can extract data from any section (notes, laboratories, imaging, vital signs charting, etc.).

If there is a delay in reporting lab results, do I record the results on the day the labs were drawn or the day that they resulted? Record the results on the day that the labs were drawn as they represent the patient’s state at that time.


Secondary analyses

What if my secondary analysis proposal includes data fields/variables not included in the current study CRFs?

There are two options. Option 1) Prepare an ancillary CRF that includes the extra fields/variables that your site wants to collect. The CRF can be developed in REDCAP and the data can be hosted on the secure University of Maryland REDCap server. Then, approach participating sites to ask if they are willing to perform the extra data collection, which would include submitting an IRB amendment for the new data collection form. It is the responsibility of the investigators who developed the ancillary CRF to provide any training or support (outside of REDCap) that sites require pertaining to the ancillary CRF. Investigators will have access to the original study dataset and the ancillary dataset for analyses. Option 2) Develop this research question and make a proposal to the network for the next large collaborative study.

Can external authors (i.e., not the site PI or research coordinator) be authors on the secondary analyses?

Yes, external authors can be authors on secondary analysis manuscripts, provided that they meet study authorship criteria (see website for criteria) and byline authors are also included.


Common IRB questions

Who will have access to the raw data? Only the study PIs and some members of the steering committee will have access to the raw data containing no patient-identifying information. Each site will be able to see only their site-specific data in REDCap.